Kerogen Systems Inc. (KSI) has developed, demonstrated and patented process technology for low carbon production of hydrocarbons. We term the process "KTC" or Kerogen To Chemicals, the final product being Kerogenate. Kerogenate contains a rich mixture of valuable carbon containing compounds from light gases to heavy asphaltenes and resins.
KTC technology enables management of heteroatoms such as N, S and As for increased product value in agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, surfactants, solvents, polymers, asphalt, carbon-carbon composites, and a host of other advanced - industrial materials, medical and consumer products.
Kerogen Systems envisions this technology as an alternative to today's high carbon emissions hydrocarbon feedstocks.
We welcome technical and commercial support for commercialization and implementation of this technology.
We would be happy to discuss and evaluate how our approach could benefit your existing carbon based feedstock production and applications.
© 2020-25, Kerogen Systems Inc.